The Berserker is the Viking faction's Assassin.
It's classified as a Hard to learn character, and is primarily used for CQC.
The Berserker shines as a close combat harasser using Infinite Chains and
numerous Chain Staters
-When Locked, match the enemy’s Guard position to
block their attack.
-The Berserker’s defense/block is only up for a
short time, so timing is key.
-The Berserker’s first combo chain is called Dance
of the Paired Blades. Perform a light attacked followed by a heavy attacked, or
vice versa.
Remember: you can’t start or continue a chain after
performing a Top Heavy Attack.
-The Berserker’s second combo is Bear Mauler,
performed by chaining three Heavy Attacks in succession.
-When surrounded by enemies, perform a Zone Attack
by pressing the Light Attack and Heavy Attack buttons simultaneously.
-While Sprinting, perform a Hunter’s Rush by
pressing Heavy Attack.
-When locked onto an enemy, Dodge and press Light
Attack to perform a Spin Chop.
-When locked onto an enemy, Dodge toward them and
press Heavy Attack to perform a Head Crusher. Use this to approach enemies
quickly and attack.
-Move backward while pressing Light and Heavy Attack
to escape and inflict Damage at the same time.
locked onto an enemy, Dodge in the direction of an incoming attack just before
impact to deflect the attack.
deflecting an attack, Guard Break your enemy to Knock them down.
Berserker’s Forward Throw deals Stamina Damage to your enemy.
four or more attacks in a Chain, further attacks become uninterruptible and
cost less Stamina.
-Use Feint
(cancelling an attack after the animation starts) to avoid a Block and start a
new Chain in a different Guard.
Berserker can also cancel basic Attacks with Dodges, allowing you to harass an
open opponent with additional moves.
-To stay in close combat when missing an attack, cancel
the recovery into a Zone Attack or a Dodge.
-Spin Chop (dodging left or right and pressing Light
Attack) can start Chains. Follow up a Spin Chop with a Heavy Attack to begin
a chain.
Rush (dodging toward an enemy and pressing Heavy Attack) can also start Chains.
Follow up a Slashing Rush with a Light Attack to begin a chain.
Infinite Chain can be followed up by the Bear Mauler Chain (Heavy Attack, Heavy
Attack, Heavy Attack.)
delays when blocking Light Attacks by riposting with Light Attacks. This allows
The Berserker to block or initiate chains with a fast attack, by IGN.
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