August 2, 2017 on the Korean servers of the main version of the game was updated Lineage II Epic Tales of Aden Episode 05 Salvation: The Final Chapter - Etina's End. I draw your attention that the Russian release of Lineage II may contain regional changes that are different from the Korean version of the gam Astatine Processing Factory Ethis Van Ethin used the Astatin Treatment Facility to produce pure Dark Astatin. The task of the players is to intervene in the process of Astatin treatment and weaken Embryo. Recommended level: 103-105 How to get: Guardian of the Portal of Valentine (Oren) - teleport to Camp BlackBerd Zone features: - Solo-hunting zone - Times, during the fight, Astatin's energy can send a player to the Dark Astatin Stadium to battle a solo raid boss (the probability of such an event depends on the level of the Blackbeard faction). At the Outpost of the Dark Astatine, there may be a battle with either Spirra or Harp or Er...